Sunday, June 20, 2010

Boy with long hair?

Hi! I'm a guy with long, blonde hair, about an inch above my collar. I've had long hair my whole life, and i really like it. My gf likes it too. But she wants me to grow my hair out more, so it's a couple inches below my shoulders. I've thought about this and I I would like it too! Like in this picture, on the top left (yes... I know it's a girl).

I have a few questions though...

Right now my hair is kind of layered... how can I get it all one length like in the picture? Also, I'm guessing I should go in for some kind of maintenance trims... how often, and what should I tell the stylist? Any tips in general? I've never had hair this long!

Boy with long hair?

shouldn't this be in the GAY category

Boy with long hair?

this isn't berg, is it? cut your hair weirdo

Boy with long hair?


Boy with long hair?

well you have to grow your hair out to get it all one layer and then you should get it cut about every 6-8 weeks use conditioner and shampoo every day and use a deep conditioner once a week

Boy with long hair?

I'm a male with hair down to the middle of my back. Once you get it so long there is no "style" besides a ponytail or the hair down hobo look. I'm about ready to cut it all off due to the fact that nobody will hire a long haired hippy mofo like me.

(chicks do dig it though!)

Boy with long hair?

Just take the picture to your hair stylist and let her see exactly what you want. He or She will then know what to do.

Boy with long hair?

Personally I like guys with short hair, no offence. But to get rid of layers just grow it out and get trims which leads to your other question when you get your hair cut say to the stylist "I want a trim" and describe how much you want off like 1/2 an inch to 2 inches or whatever.

Boy with long hair?

you've just answered you own question, 10 bonus points!.

Go see a hair stylist, tell him/her want you want, they'll tell you what can be done and what can be expected. No real drama involved.

You don't like what they have to say, go see another one. good luck :)

Boy with long hair?

get a hair cut and a job ya hippie! ;-)

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